24 Nov 2010 @ 12:57 PM 

Dupa recordul panoramelor de 26 gigapixeli de anul trecut (Paris si Dresda) si de 18 gigapixeli (Praga), 360cities ne incanta acum cu alte cateva bunatati:

Londra – 80 gigapixeli

Dubai 45 gigapixels

Dubai e prezent in lista celor mai bine definite locatii panoramice cu o fotografie facuta de gigapan.org (via http://www.gadling.com).

gigapan: Dubai 45 gigapixels

Detalii tehnice:

4,250 individual shots taken with a Canon 7D and the 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L zoom at 400mm. Total shooting time circa 3 hours 30 minutes, in 37C heat (that's the temperature in the shade - the camera and lens were almost too hot to touch at the end of this).
PC - i7-920, 12GB RAM, 2x 300GB Velociraptors (not RAID). On attempting to stitch this the first time, I was told I needed just over a terabyte of scratch space, so I had to go out and buy a 2TB disk and install that as well!
Power and storage:
All 4,250 images (.jpg only) managed to fit on a single 32GB CF card, taking up 27.5 GB.
HUGE thanks to South Korean property developer Bando Construction and Engineering for making available the location to shoot this from - Ubora Towers in Business Bay, Dubai.
*edited the date taken field as it was showing the date the stitching was completed, and not the date the photos were taken.*
Date Taken: April 23, 2010
Bookmarked: 38 times
Total Views: 2248412 views
Snapshots: 996
Size: 44.88 gigapixels
Field of View: 243.3 degrees wide, 0.0 degrees high

Bucuresti este pe un loc intermediar, filmat/fotografiat de cei de la skycam.ro, si prezentat la panopixel.ro

In plus, si Hanoi-ul se lauda cu o fotografie panoramica facuta cu ocazia aniversarii a 1000 ani.

Hanoi 1000 Panoramic Photo

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Posted By: Teodor Muraru
Last Edit: 24 Nov 2010 @ 02:02 PM

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