07 May 2010 @ 1:35 PM 

Answer Quotes:

  • Alcohol may not be the answer, but it makes you forget the question. — When faced with the Gandhi quote “Alcohol is not the answer to life’s question”, Vijay Mallya once responded “At least it helps you forget the question”
  • Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. ‘No’ is the answer.  — Erik Naggum
  • Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. ‘Yes’ is the answer.
  • Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions. — William Allin
  • Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good questions. — Woody Allen
  • If love is the answer, can you please repeat the question? — Tomlin Lily
  • The Answer to the great Question of…Life,the Universe and Everything…is Forty-two. — Adams Douglas – 1952 – The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
  • The answer is blowin’in the wind. — Dylan Bob 1941 – Blowin’ in the wind
  • see more one-liner quotes.

Friendship Quotes

  • Prietenia este confortul inexprimabil de a te simţi în siguranţă cu o persoană, fără a trebui să-ţi cântăreşti gândurile, nici să-ţi măsori cuvintele.
  • Prietenia este o haină valoroasă care se curăţă când se murdăreşte, nu se aruncă la prima pată.
  • Prietenia este unicul leac împotriva unei sorţi vitrege şi e pururi alinare a sufletului.
  • Prietenia este cel mai de preţ bun al omului. Fără prietenie nu e dragoste, fără dragoste nu e prietenie.
  • Toti oamenii te aud cand vorbesti; prietenii insa inteleg ce spui, iar cei mai buni prieteni sunt cei care pricep si ceea ce n-ai spus in cuvinte!

  • Daca cineva spune ca are o constiinta curata, asta inseamna , de obicei, ca are si o memorie proasta!
  • In viata este ca la bal mascat: cand toata lumea isi scoate masca, se duce veselia!
  • I can’t see the END. I have no CONTROL and I don’t think there’s any ESCAPE – I don’t even have a HOME anymore. Definitely time for a new keyboard…

Posted By: Teodor Muraru
Last Edit: 06 Aug 2010 @ 01:33 PM



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