30 Mar 2010 @ 11:54 AM 

32 GB in 1980 and 2010…Anything Different?

big drive
This is one of those pictures which makes you think hard on how technology has developed in a very limited span of time. It simply shows you how IBM managed to create an enormous “external backup” device costing $ 1.137.600, able to store 32 GB of data! When I first looked at this picture I thought: ” What about in 2040?” Any guess out there?

Credit: Web Talk | How to Tutorials and Windows Tricks

2 TB SDXC – 2TB microSDXC

Current SD memory cards have a maximum storage capacity of 2GB, followed by the SDHC cards which start from 4GB up to a maximum capacity of 32GB. The current SDHC memory card generation is divided by FAT32 which provides a maximum storage capacity of 32GB. To surpass this capacity, a different FAT division is required.

SDXC memory
SDXC – Secure Digital eXtended Capacity
Recently, the SD Association announced the choice for exFAT, a standardized division that is supported by Windows VISTA and also works with Windows XP, CE and the future Windows 7 operating system. We have yet to see which hardware will be the first on the market supporting this new SDCX format. High Definition camcorders are very likely to be the first, while this type of equipment requires large storage capacities. In addition to expanding the amount of GBs to an impressive maximum of 2TB (Terabyte), speed is equally important. Where a maximum speed of 25MB/sec is reached, it will reach an astonishing 100 to 300MB/sec after the increase of bus speed by 50.

SDXC memory roadmap
SDXC Memory roadmap
64 GB SDXC – 64GB microSDXC
128 GB SDXC – 128GB microSDXC
256 GB SDXC – 256GB microSDXC
512 GB SDXC – 512GB microSDXC
1 TB SDXC – 1TB microSDXC
2 TB SDXC – 2TB microSDXC

microSDXC memory cards
It’s not only the ‘large’ sized SDHC memory cards that expect a ‘boost’. The microSDHC memory cards will also have their turn. It’s incredible that a capacity of 2TB will become reality, for example on a mobile phone. Also other forms will become available, such as secured (and paid for) content in the highest possible quality. It might take a while before hardware and SDXC will be connected, but given the potential of this kind of storage capacity, the upcoming period will be an interesting one!

Secure Digital Extended Capacity

Credit: LetsGoDigital

and again:

Evolutie preturi memorie in perioada 1955-2010…Anything Different?


Posted By: Teodor Muraru
Last Edit: 18 Jul 2010 @ 10:51 AM

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